Open Innovation Perspectives

Open Innovation Perspectives: Henry Chesbrough, PhD 97, Adjunct Professor and Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation

What is Open Innovation? What are its benefits for companies? Are there similarities between Open Innovation and Open Source software? Can innovation be sped up? What does the ecosystem look like?

Hear from Berkeley-Haas’ Henry Chesbrough, the originator of open innovation. Most innovations fail. Yet companies that don’t innovate die. Managing innovation thus constitutes one of the most difficult and critical tasks facing a manager. Innovation isn’t just for tech companies — Intel, Mattel, and Lennox International find that innovation translates directly into organic growth in new businesses and better profits in existing businesses.

Want to hear more about Open Innovation?
Register for Haas Homecoming 2016 and come back to Berkeley-Haas to hear Henry Chesbrough describe how Open Innovation is giving organizations a more distributed process in solving today’s business challenges.


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