Which Energy Boom Will Come Next?


Moderated by Severin Borenstein, E.T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy, and Research Associate, Energy Institute at Haas

Panelists include:

James Cook, FTMBA 99, Director of Business Development, First Solar
Merrian Borgeson, FTMBA 08, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council
Samantha Gross, FTMBA 02, Energy and Foreign Policy Fellow, Brookings Institution

The Trump administration is throwing increasing support behind coal and nuclear power, while the fracking revolution holds down oil and natural gas prices driving-up their consumption, and solar and wind power costs continue to decline. Energy storage is starting to look like it could become competitive–both on the grid and in electric vehicles. How should we expect the energy mix to evolve over the next decade (and beyond)? Professor Severin Borenstein, who teaches Energy & Environmental Markets, discusses the question with Berkeley Haas alumni working across the energy industries.
